Organic Or Earned?
It’s a legitimate question, but not for startups, as even the catchiest of campaigns take time to catch on initially, given budgetary constraints. The go to remedy for gathering a mass following (slowly but surely) is first up paid page adverts, and much later on, organic page updates for garnering traction. Social Media & Search Engines alike place heavy weightage on this mentioned traction you seek for your presence online, which further guarantees getting to that ever elusive top of the rankings placement.
Thus, this is an ongoing investment that should be maintained on a permanent basis till you achieve your immediate branding goals. The term “earned” here equates as “paid placements” on Social Media & Search Engines. The term “organic” on the other hand refers to “natural reach” via high ranking online presence built over a period of time with substantial money and effort put in for achieving the same. This effort thereby lets your fan following know that you are there for them and here to stay.
Feel free to ask for our humble & honest advice.